Get professional experience!
The Hamptons Shakespeare Festival is seeking interns interested in gaining artistic, technical, and management experience. Work backstage with our cast and crew, and help produce our season. We offer three kinds of internships:

Production Interns assist mainly with scenery, lighting, costumes, and stage management, as well as some administrative projects. Depending on the season, Production Interns with acting experience might have the chance to appear in HSF’s mainstage production. Production Internships begin part-time in June and increase to full-time during busy technical and rehearsal weeks. These internships are unpaid. Production Interns must be at least 16 years old, and have their own housing and transportation.
Management Interns work on many different aspects of producing our season, including marketing, fundraising, event planning, personnel, house management, and company management. Management Interns are typically college students or recent graduates. They work full-time from June through August, and receive housing, meals, and a stipend.
During the fall, winter, and spring, we offer part-time internships for college credit. These interns assist mainly with administrative work in preparation for the upcoming summer season, and may include projects such as grant writing, coordinating rehearsal space, and coordinating auditions. Off-Season Interns are given preference when selecting summer interns.
Please contact us for more information.